
Friday, April 22, 2011

Off we go...

So here is the obligatory first "I just started this blog and I don't know what I am doing" post. Its true, I have no clue and this might be the worst, most boring thing ever. Or it might be fun and people might laugh or be inspired or just groan and wish I never darkened their door.

The main purpose of this blog is to go along with my Etsy store, Stellaspace (if you are wondering, there is no significance to that name, its a nonsense word that I just liked. One of my cats is named Stella but it really is just a coincidence). But I figure I am opinionated and there are things that I like and think are inspirational so why not share it.

A little about myself. I worked in corporate retail for seven years until last December when my company moved across country. It can really turn your world upside down when something that has been such a big part of your life for so long is just not there anymore. So I have been on the job hunt since then but I have also been able to spend more time crafting. If you are so inclined, please check out my shop: If you are not, that is okay too. 

Chunky Bead Necklace - Pink, Ivory & Gold

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